Saturday, October 21, 2006

What a Day

My days are rarely boring at Hope. My job description is pretty open, so I end up doing a lot of different things. This last Friday, for example, I started with 2 hours of digging through the old credit card accounts looking for about 6 transactions that were mis-recorded (I know it sounds awful, but because I found them, it was deeply satisfying). Then I spent some time working on my notes for Sunday evening; made some small design changes to the web site, fixed some programming on another web site that I maintain for a friend; cleaned up a bit in the sanctuary; moved chairs from one room to another; ordered a correction for the Harvest Festival banner; and answered a dozen or so emails and 2 or 3 calls. I even got away for a 3/4 mile swim. In the midst of all that, I had a wonderfully surprising interruption.

A man whom I know only slightly came into my office for a meeting. The meeting was entirely business, no personal or pastoral intent whatsoever. But we got talking, and before long he was telling me about his dreams and how they have been delayed. He was beginning to think that he may have lost the chance to see those dreams fulfilled. So I had a chance to talk to him about that, and to give him some ideas on how he might still pursue his dreams. We talked, laughed about interruptions in life, and he left, I think, believing that at 45 it night not be too late. I've bought him a copy of Wild at Heart entirely on the recommendation of a friend, because I'm told that it reminds us as men that we cannot survive if we let our dreams die.

It always amazes me when the Lord chooses to let me be a part of something significant in another person's life. It's why I love being a part of the Kingdom of God, even with all of the warts we currently exhibit. Because He uses us, and guides us, and loves us, all through the hands and lives of our brothers and sisters. And He will do it as often as we will let Him.

Anyways, it was a great day. Especially when it ended at the corn maze and pizza with several of my really good friends and my 2 boys. It was a really great day.


At 10:58 PM, Blogger the-unintentional-blogger said...

I think Wild at Heart is from the same author that did Epic, that short book I lent you awhile back. I think they are similar in nature. I'll have to read that one.

That is a cool day, but a major "doh" for forgetting about the corn maze! Every year I want to go and every year I forget about it. ugh.


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