Wednesday, October 25, 2006

In Luke 17: 5-6, it tells of the disciples becoming aware of their need for more faith and Jesus goes on to explain the reality of mustard seed size faith and what it can accomplish.

Two things:

1. It is encouraging to me that the disciples, those who lived day in and day out with Jesus watching Him work countless miracles daily, felt a need for more faith. Faith, as with money and time appears to be something we never feel we have enough of.

2. Jesus never said they/we needed more. He just said, and I paraphrase-even if it feels like you only have a little, just use what you have. To me this is very kind of Him. He doesn't require us to work to aquire more faith, He just says, what you have is enough!

Instead of worrying about not having enough faith at times, I think I will just trust His words in the scripture and know that applying what I have is more importatant that attaining more.


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