Thursday, November 02, 2006


I love listening to Dennis Prager. In part because I agree with him so often, in part because he never resorts to name-calling, and in part because he expresses himself so very well. But mostly, I love listening to him because he talks about anything and everything, and I always figured if I did a talk show I would want it to have the that kind of variety.

Today, I caught him just for a moment talking to Larry Miller, a comedian who has just released a book titled Spoiled Rotten America: Outrages of Everyday Life. Miller made an interesting comment. He says there are 2 types of people in the world (when a comedian says this, you brace for the punch line): those who, when faced with the thousands of tiny irritations in life find the ability to laugh, and those who get frustrated (look ma, no punch line!). And I got to thinking: I probably come down 50/50 on that, getting frustrated about half the time. So now I have a new goal in life: I'm going to become more intentional at allowing myself to laugh at the little irritations. It's probably a lot more fun to live that way, and I might find that people like hanging out with me a bit more.


At 9:15 PM, Blogger the-unintentional-blogger said...

Prager used to be my least favorite talk show host because he is rarely political. Now he is my favorite host for the exact same reason. He has a unique way of addressing issues of life in a way that no other talk show host does. I used to hate the "happiness hour", and now I love it when I get a chance to hear it. This book sounds right up his alley.

I find myself at about the same percentage as you. Any room in your new goal for one more?

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Debra said...

Ahh.. conviction. It's not always fun, but...that seems ironic in this case.


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